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Writer's pictureGregory D. Hamilton

"Fun Facts About Staying Fit and Fabulous Over 50"

Did You Know…? 20 Fun Facts & Hacks about Fitness over 50


I’m sharing a ton of short, useful tidbits about fitness over 50 – fun facts and hacks to make your life easier.


The goal? To show you the overwhelming evidence: If you want to stay healthy, strong, and independent, you simply must keep moving.


1.     GET OUT: Just being outdoors, especially in green spaces, quickly improves our health and happiness. -- The International Journal of Environmental Health Research

2.     HEART STRONG: Weightlifting has a greater effect than running, walking, or cycling on lowering the risk of heart disease, according to research in the British Telegraph.

3.     HIIT HAPPENS: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is good for everyone "and has even bigger benefits for older adults." -- The Mayo Clinic

4.     A GRAND IDEA: “I want primary care physicians to prescribe not only antidepressants but also prescribe a dose of exercise for the treatment of depression.” -- Dr. Madhukar Trivedi

5.     FEEL BETTER: Exercise alleviates aches and pains, including low back pain, the second most common cause of disability in the United States.

6.     PROTECT YOURSELF: The Alzheimer’s Association says regular cardiovascular exercise can help reduce the risk of getting the disease.

7.     BURN FAT: Resistance training burns fat. Think it’s all about cardio? Wrong.

8.     YOUR BUTT: The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body.

9.     MIRACLE DRUG: Exercise is good for your bones, muscles, balance, heart, mental health and sleep.

10.  SMILE: Maintaining a positive outlook adds years of healthy life.

11.  WE’RE HOT: Fitness training for mature adults (over 50) has ranked near the top of global fitness trends in the last few years.

12.  AT 100: “I do as I feel, and I like to stay active and be around people. I still want to keep moving. If I sat down, I think I’d just give up.” -- Toni Stahl of Kentucky, who worked out regularly at age 100.

13.  THINK: Jimmy Hatcher of Georgia prizes the meditative aspect of exercise: “It slows you down and requires you to focus on the moment, not what you need to do later.”

14.  HAVE FUN: “Exercising makes me feel good when I’m done, and even when I’m doing it.” -- Sue Heaton of Chicago

15.  SPORTS EDGE: Gym workouts give you a competitive edge in golf, tennis, running, and other sports.

16.  EAT THE RAINBOW: Get five servings of fruit and vegetables a day; it helps to keep a frozen stash.

17.  STAY HYDRATED: Don’t wait till you’re thirsty to drink up.

18.  REMEMBER: You’re just one workout away from a good mood.

19.  OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES: “We don’t quit playing because we grow older; we grow older because we quit playing.”

20.  JACK LALANNE: “People don't die of old age. They die of inactivity.”

What are some of your favorite morsels about living your best life? Let’s keep this going!

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