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Writer's pictureGregory D. Hamilton

Back From The Brink

Success Story: Back from the Brink of ‘Indulgence’

Nate Wilkins was living the good life.

He traveled a lot for work as a parks and recreation administrator in Florida. He was eating out and indulging in business lunches and happy hours. Sure, he noticed he was packing on pounds, but he was busy -- dealing with that would have to wait.

One day, it couldn’t wait any longer.

“I was at home, and I felt pain in my chest,” recalls Nate, now 69, of Miami. “I went to the emergency room to ensure I was OK – and they kept me there for two weeks. I said, ‘Lord, if I ever get out of here, I’m going to change my life.’”

He did, and his heart health has returned. A decade later, Nate’s 5’11” frame is down from 230 to a lean, muscular 185. He eats right and no longer needs some medications he’d been using. He’s in a long-term relationship with a physical trainer. And he’s become a life coach and trainer himself.

“I look good. I smell good. I talk good,” Nate says with a laugh. “I’m a lean, mean fighting machine.”

Everyone is different

Nate’s story took a happy turn. So can anyone, regardless of age or physical condition. Simply put, it’s never too late to improve your health. I have many clients, colleagues, and success stories to prove it.

Everyone’s an individual. And for people over 50, what makes us unique can include past injuries, health issues, or physical limitations. And that’s OK.

As Nate puts it, although he’s in great shape, “I’m not a bodybuilder.”

And he keeps that in mind when creating a workout plan for each client.

“It depends on what each person needs.”

Balance, agility, strength, and stamina are vital to health. And studies prove that adults can improve their health by exercising, regardless of age.

He regained his balance

Don’t let a previous setback discourage you from doing what’s right to improve your health.

That’s true whether you’ve always been in perfect health, or if you have had a stroke or live with an illness like Parkinson’s disease.

“It’s not a cookie-cutter model,” Nate says, and we agree. “Everybody’s an individual.”

The first step is deciding to change.

Next, understand you’ve got to keep moving your body to stay healthy, Nate says.

Remember what’s important to you and the kind of life you want to live.

For Nate, he felt he had lost his balance when he was “living the good life” and almost died from indulgence.

“If I can do this at 69 and feel like this, then I can encourage other people to do it, too,” he says. “It’s a progression they have to go through.

“It’s a mindset that you don’t have to be 69 years old. You get to be 69 years young.”

Contact me, and let’s get started.

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